MonsterSocial uses unique features invented by our own development team. The application was built using cutting-edge technology. The powerful features come together with a user-friendly interface. You will love it.
- Follow or unfollow profiles automatically. Profiles can be found using a hashtag and also in your followers and following lists.
- Add all your friends to a specific group, ask all the friends of all your Facebook accounts to like a specific page, add a specific friend or join a specific event by sending a personal private notification.
- Share or retweet a specific status or like a specific status, comment, picture or page with all your accounts.
- Comment on a status or picture with all your accounts.
- Import accounts from text files (username:password) and check if they are working automatically.
- Select a specific proxy for each account or assign some randomly. Accounts with no proxy selected will use the proxy with the default flag enabled (if any).
- Run multiple features with multiple profiles on multiple social networks using multiple proxies! All at once!